Convey the Message

Telling Day
  • Badges / Stamps / Quote Stickers Distribution.
    • Small Quotes can be designed as stickers and used at the back of Auto/Buses.
    • Even can be handed out to school students to wear badges.
  • Distribution of water and juice.
    • A list of activities can be organized by individuals or as an Organization.
    • Small water pots or Coolers can be put up at different places on different roads and lanes to provide free drinking water to passerby.
  • Thank You Cards.
    • To be given out to the people around us doing any kind of service to us.
    • Smile and spread the love and message of Peace.
  • Small Gifts / Flowers to Visitors.
    • Share small gifts and flowers with who all you meet in the week and let them know the reason of sharing the gift and its importance in the life of Prophet Muhammad ( Pbuh ).
  • Training of Auto and Taxi Drivers.
  • Leaflets / Materials in Autos / Taxis/ Public Places.
  • Awareness in Railway Stations / Airports.
  • Slot in Radio / Television / Public Hoarding.
    • Talks about the social message of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).
    • His message on Peace and harmonious co-existence with people following different religions.
    • His message on Education , Position of Women in society etc.
  • Workshop / Conference on Prophet Muhammad.