What is PMW?

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birth anniversary is a chance to live and convey the true spirit of his message to the world. How about undertaking social projects for all people, thus conveying his message of peace and spirituality to the world?

How about a ‘Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Week’ during the month of Rabiul Awwal every year with the following seven themes below :

Prophet Week at a Glance

Day 1

Day 2
Relationship Day
Day 3
orphan day
Day 4
peace day
Day 5
health day
Day 6
education day
Day 7
Telling Day

Plantation Day

  • Roads and Drains cleanliness
  • Tree Plantation in roads / Parks
  • Saplings distribution
  • Cleaning, Watering, Protecting trees

‘Clean and Green’

Relations Day
  • Visit and gifts to neighbours and friends
  • Helping others(disabled, poor)
  • Water distribution
  • Serving the people

‘Connect and Respect’

orphan day
Orphan’s Day
  • Food distributin to poor
  • Clothes / blankets distribution to poor
  • Visit to orphanage
  • Visit to old age home
  • Visit to hospital’Love and Care’

Peace Day

  • Signature capmpaign against terrorism
  • Walk for peace
  • Talks on Islam’s message of peace

‘Peace All Around’

peace day

Health Day

  • Medical check-up camp
  • Blood donation camp
  • Screening camps for catarac, sugar etc.
  • Health/ Sanitation awareness evet

‘Promote Well Being’

Education Day

  • Visit to underprivileged schools for books, pencils distribution
  • Quiz contest in schools on Prophet Muhammad’s life
  • Talks in schools on Prophet Muhammad
  • Scholarship distribution
  • Education/career awareness event.

‘Educate and Empower’

Telling Day

Telling Day

  • Pen / Stickers (with Prophet Muhammad’s Quote) distribution
  • Distribution of water and juice
  • Workshop / conference on Prophet Muhammad

‘Reach Out’

Become a Part of PMW

Anyone is welcome to be part of this initiative.
Take a minute to register on this site and access materials that will help you organise these event.
It does not need funds or people - even you as an individual can do something as simple as distributing water and be part of it!

Learn More

Contact Us


+91 8100051555



