Clean & Green

Cleanliness Drive


Cleanliness and Purity are the half of Iman.


Cleanliness is a habit not an act. However starting a campaign or drive highlights the issue, builds champions and brings focus on the task at hand. This also further leads to internalizing and inculcating cleanliness as a matter of habit and routine.

  • Cleanliness should start from our own house by keeping our house and surroundings clean. Stairs, lift, society campus, compound & surrounding should also be cleaned regularly.
  • A number of activities can be taken up such as start cleaning up the area just outside your house regularly and soon neighbors will also feel inspired and motivated by you and start cleaning another small area of the building compound or nearby places.
  • Teams can be formed to organize environment cleanliness programmes in different places. All teams can undertake a survey of the areas.
  • Assistant Municipal Commissioner of the respective Wards should be informed about Cleanliness Drive one week before implementing it.
  • In Panchayat, Gram-Panchayat, District level involve your Authorized corporate, local body to get help from the Municipal Corporation.
  • Safety accessories (e.g. hand gloves, dustbin, broom and mask), man power and a vehicle to collect the garbage, will be provided by the Authorized corporate body (There might be limitation regarding accessories stock,so kindly confirm with your respective Ward office).
  • To install permanent dustbins, a letter to the Municipal Councilor has to be written, mentioning name of the society or area where it is needed and its quantity as per need.
  • We can form a monitoring team, to inspect the places we cleaned. Every Societies, Colonies and Houses should make a practice of maintaining two types dustbin, one is for Dry and second one is for the Wet waste. Dry waste collected can be sold off for recycling and Wet waste, if possible,can be used for preparing manure, which can be used in gardens, in and around the areas.
  • Cleanliness week or month can be observed and various contests on cleanliness can be conducted for students.
  • Special emphasis to be given on maintaining cleanliness in our religious shrines, tourist places, and National Monuments.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness .

  • Organize small Cleanliness Drive for Roads, Drains, Schools, Parks,Public places and Hospitals with few volunteers and encourage students and others to join in.

One , who maintains Cleanliness keeps away diseases.


– Roads and Drains

Cleanliness of Roads and Drains can be undertaken with the help of the Local civic bodies.

  • A little more presence of mind and careful attitude of us can save and prevent many accidents happening around us.
  • It is a noble deed to place aside even a stone which one can see on the middle of the road. Such tasks can save many lives.

Removing harmful things from the road is an act of charity.–


– Parks and Public Places

  • Set up a “home base” with bags, gloves, brooms, water, and snacks.
  • Make sure that plant material or recyclable materials are separated from the rest of the trash (if necessary).
  • A few minutes before your scheduled end time, start calling volunteers back to “home base.”
  • Put waste materials in the correct dumpster or make arrangements to take them to a recycling plant, etc.


– Schools

Recycle bins must be placed at various places in schools to promote recycling of waste among students, teachers and other employees. Children in the school can be encouraged to put waste in appropriate bins so that they develop a habit of disposing of waste properly.


– Hospitals


  • Use Public Convenience
  • Use Waste bins
  • Wash Hands before and after visiting facility
  • Follow hospital norms


  • Don’t Spit.
  • Don’t Litter
  • Don’t Smoke

  • A special drive should be started to keep all stray dogs and animals out of the campus. Methods will be usedto discourage the animals from coming back, Phenyl can be sprinkled in areas where they usually sit / rest / feed.
  • Waste bins with appropriate liners should be placed wherever required and a schedule is laid down for removal of waste and cleaning of the bins.
  • Segregation of general waste into biodegradable and recyclable should be done at the point of generation to facilitate disposal.
  • Segregation of the biomedical waste should be done at the point of generation of waste.


  • We can plant saplings and trees not only around our house but also in the surrounding areas.Trees can also be planted on either side of the road.
  • The planted treescan be protected by fencing them. Trees which already exist on the roadsides in the citycan be conserved by constructing platforms or “Katte” around them.
  • Saplings can be planted as well as distributed on account of various functions and events. (Eg : Sapling planting programme as part of birthday celebrations.)
  • A social awareness can be created on the need to protect plants. Competitions can be organized for the public on the topic. Flower and Fruit Shows could also be organized.
Prophet Muhammadsaid,
Peace be Upon Him

If any Muslim plants any plant and human being or animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity.

(Sahih Bukhari)

– Distribution in houses / Apartments.

A small number of saplings can be distributed in houses and apartments and they can be encouraged to plant and maintain them properly.

– Plantation in Parks, Open Areas.

Planting a tree with a child is a great way to help children understand the role of trees in the environment and also understand how each person can make a difference in their own community. Tree planting provide “the roots” for building future appreciation and stewardship for nature.

  • Step 1: Identify the Site
  • Step 2: Assess Your Site
    • Do you see power lines over your head?
    • How much sunlight does this spot get?
    • Is a water source, like a faucet, nearby to water the young tree?
    • How fast does water drain from the soil?
  • Step 3: Determine Final Location
  • Step 4: Secure permission to plant.
  • Maintenance of Trees
    • Cleaning, Watering, Protecting.
    • Saplings and trees in the surroundings of our house which are drying up for want of water can be nurtured by watering them.
    • The waste water from our houses can be released to water plants and trees.
    • Even small children in our houses must be encouraged to water saplings and plants.


There are list of other activities which can be taken up by individuals or Organizations related to the topic.


Even Sit and Draw Competition can be conducted by schools and Colleges and Social Welfare Organizations.