
Make a Positive Impact

To use the opportunity of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)’s birth month to remove misconceptions and convey the true message of his life through socially relevant projects and activities.



Prophet Muhammad Week (PMW) shall be held every year, in the month of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Birth Anniversary. The purpose of making it in a short period is to magnify its visibility and impact.



A series of positive, socially relevant events during the week to convey the true message of love, peace and spirituality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam.



Organise one or more of the suggested events under the umbrella of ‘Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Week’.

A banner is suggested to be used.

The events should be secular and socially constructive in spirit.

Encourage media coverage and invite all communities to the event.

Upload your event details / pictures to social media as well as on the PMW Website.



Any individual, organization or corporate desirous of spreading the positive message of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) can join by undertaking the activities / events suggested.

Why PMW?

Utilising every Opportunity for Good

Islam is being misconstrued and misrepresented to the world at large. Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) noble message of love, peace and moderation is getting lost in the noise.


Many non-Muslims have a limited exposure to and understanding of Islam. Hence, media portrayals and their experience of Muslims are the only two sources through which they perceive the community.


Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday is almost universally commemorated and most countries declare a holiday in its honour.

We recognise that this is an occasion which can used to convey the true spiritual message of Islam and the Prophet.


Hence, the idea of ‘Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Week’ to be commemorated in a positive, socially responsible way around his birth anniversary every year.


Various individuals, groups, organisations, NGOs, irrespective of their affiliations or variations, are requested to join in this mass movement to create greater awareness and convey the positive message of Islam to the world.